Posterheroes 2


1088 posters
67 countries

Posterheroes is the creative showcase of the proactive debate about society’s energy consumption present and future.
It also impacts on the awareness of the limits of energy and material at our disposal. After the contest’s first edition, which was centered on the energy production, the second edition proposes the issue of overall consumption, underlining the user’s role as an important actor in reaching consumption/saving global equilibriums, and not merely as a spectator of the broader issues. The contest is a way for young people and the creative community to express their opinions on how to best manage the available resources, for a sustainable future.
Which kind of consumption model do you propose? Which kind of scenario do you imagine for an aware fruition of the energetic and material resources?
The ideas, input and action of a single person can impact the entire community. The water, soil and fossil fuels (such as oil and gas) supplies currently meet our basic needs and allow us to perform our daily activities. Indiscriminate consumption causes self-consumption, of personal space and time.
Which kind of ideas, choices and actions can be proposed and concretely applied to improve or revolution a reckless and obsolete consumption scenario?
Through a 50 x 70 poster imagine suggestions and new solutions for a future where resources have an aware fruition. Open new horizons, suggest and promote new perspectives, enhance debate, exchange, awareness and participation, and give voice to the individuals and consumers social value.


Anthony Burrill / Bo Lundberg / Demian Conrad / Designpolitie / Erola Boix / Giorgio Camuffo / Patrick Thomas / Peter Orntoft / Trapped in Suburbia/ Wladimir Marnich


Menzione Speciale – Andrea Miari


With the patronage of:
Media partners:
.eco — L’educazione sostenibile / La nuova ecologia
In collaboration with:
Provincia di Torino / Città di Torino
Politecnico di Torino / Torino Smart City
Favini / Eataly / Best Western / nb:notabene / SMAT / Vestil / Lifegate